Julie Ryan

Talk to Deceased


Have you ever wanted to communicate with a deceased loved one? Perhaps ask questions you wished you had asked while they were still alive?

Every person’s spirit is accessible. In most cases, they’re around you a good bit anyway and would love to be called upon for assistance.

I can communicate with whomever you wish and have a conversation with them. We can ask your loved one for guidance, protection, and/or information, and we can discuss any topic.

Conversations with a deceased loved one are done remotely. My fee is $750 for a one-hour phone conversation. Payment is due when the appointment is scheduled.

“I asked Julie to talk with my deceased husband for advice about a house I was buying for my daughter. My husband said the seller would accept our offer but to be careful of a glitch with the title. The day before we were scheduled to close on the house, the bank called and told us we needed to postpone the closing. It seemed there was a problem with the title of the house. At that point, my daughter told her husband, ‘If you’d just listened to my dad, we’d be closing on that house tomorrow’. We got the house once the title problem was resolved.”

—Nena Robinson, Birmingham, AL